Old Fish Market



The Ramen and Sint-Michiels parking lots are a stone's throw from each other. 

The parking lots are less than 500 meters from The Old Fish Market.

Parking Ramen is open 24 on 24, there are 280 spaces. It is located at Ramen 23.
This parking lot is located 6 minutes from the event venue

Parking Sint-Michiels, Sint-Michielsplein 8, is open 24 on 24, there are 472 spaces.
This parking lot is an 8-minute walk +- 500m.



From the north (Wondelgem, Evergem)

Parking Ramen and Parking Sint-Michiels (P7).

From Neuseplein, follow Blaisantvest towards Rabot (past the new courthouse, past the 3 turrets, past the intersection with Wondelgemstraat) until you reach Brugse Poort ('Thousand Fires').

There, turn left into Brugsepoortstraat and continue along Hoogstraat.

Follow High Street for as long as allowed.

From the intersection with Oude Houtlei, you may not continue straight ahead. You can turn left there to

Ramen (and P8 Ramen) or turn right into the Oude Houtlei towards P7 Sint Michiels.

→ For parking Sint-Michiels, drive along Oude Houtlei all the way to the end, until the intersection with Papegaaistraat. There turn left into the Gebroeders Vandeveldestraat.

→ Then take the second street on the left, Onderbergen, and follow it to the entrance to the parking lot at the end of Onderbergen or a little further on Sint-Michielsplein.

From the R40 you can also reach the car parks from the west (Mariakerke, Drongen side) via the Nieuwewandeling (N430).

Drive from the R40 into the Nieuwe wandeling; then follow it until you pass the prison. Cross the Leie at the Coupure and turn right at the lights (at 'Duizend Vuren') into the Brugsepoortstraat. This becomes the Hoogstraat.

Follow High Street for as long as allowed.

From the intersection with Oude Houtlei, you may not continue straight ahead. You can turn left there to

Ramen (and P8 Ramen) or turn right into the Oude Houtlei towards P7 Sint Michiels.

From Parking Ramen, it is about a 6-minute +- 400m walk or

For parking Sint-Michiels, drive the Oude Houlei all the way to the end, until the intersection with the Papegaaistraat. There, turn left into the Gebroeders Vandeveldestraat.

Take the second street on the left, Onderbergen, and follow it to the entrance to the parking lot at the end of Onderbergen or a little further on the Sint-Michielsplein or continue to the intersection with Ramen where you can turn right to the Ramen parking lot.

Drive from the R40 into Bernaerd Spaelaan (at the intersection with Martelaarslaan).

Follow the streetcar tracks across the bridge over the Leie/ Coupure and so into the Papegaaistraat and on through the Gebroeders Vandeveldestraat.

In Gebroeders Vandeveldestraat, take the second street on the left, Onderbergen, and follow it to the entrance to the parking lot at the end of Onderbergen or a little further on Sint-Michielsplein or continue until the intersection with Ramen where you can turn right to the Ramen parking lot.


By public transportation to The Old Fish Market?

View the city of Ghent streetcar network plan.


Access to the halls

Our site The Old Fish Market has 3 entrances:

  1. St. Veerle Square
    In the corner of the square, the historic Neptune Gate.

  2. Jan Breydel Street
    Small bridge (apple bridge) over the water.

  3. Rekelingenstraat 5
    Right across from Gravensteen, black gates/gate right next to the bridge. This is purely a service entrance with unloading & loading dock, you cannot receive guests here.

Clearly state on the invitation which entrance invitees should use for your event.


Never enter the car-free area via Burg Street this is not a "cut."
Any fines can never be recovered from 3Square Events.